Welcome to Teen Pregnancy Statistics

teen pregnancy

The purpose of this site is to help teens who believe they may be pregnant, and parents of adolescents who suspect their teenager may be pregnant, or becoming sexually active. Our website is designed to help educate on the statistics of teenage pregnancy and options for young mothers. Articles include prevention, sex education, abstinence, and abortion and adoption options.  Get help with unexpected early pregnancy and teenage parenting.

Surviving an Unplanned Pregnancy
Surviving an unplanned pregnancy can be challenging, even for adults and teens face even more challenges. But, if you make good choices you can have a happy healthy pregnancy. Keep reading for tips on surviving your pregnancy and what to expect during your pregnancy.
Media and Teen Pregnancy
When it comes to the media and teen pregnancy there can be no question there is a connection. This article explores the effects of several types of media and their impact on teen pregnancy including television and teen pregnancy, celebrities and teen pregnancy, and movies and teen pregnancy.
Education Options for Pregnant Teens
Just because a teenager gets pregnant does not mean their education is over. There are a number of education options for pregnant teens - more than you might think. Read on to find out more about the options available for pregnant teens to continue their education.
Teenage Abortion Statistics
Teenage abortion statistics often correlate with unplanned teen pregnancy rates. This article contains stats and facts about teen pregnancy and abortion.  Keep reading for information on the physical and emotional effects of abortion, and alternatives to abortion.